Drinking Tea Regularly May Lower Fracture Risk: 5 Other Health Benefits Of Tea

Tea drinkers rejoice! If the findings of the latest study are to be believed, habitual tea drinking may lead to higher bone density, particularly in women, and also lower the risk of bone fractures. The Chinese study that examined 450,000 adults has published in the journal Nutrients and Osteoporosis International. The research was conducted by the School of Public Health with Peking University. The study did not exactly reveal the cause of the association as it was an observational study. The findings, however, revealed that daily consumers of green tea and those who had consumed tea for more than 30 years have a lower rate of fractures according to their hospitalization records
Li Liming, a professor who led the research, said that the study included 453,625 people randomly selected from the China Kadoorie Biobank and documented their records on hospitalized fractures.

The researchers found that compared with those who do not drink tea, daily tea consumers have a 12 percent lower risk of fracture. Participants reported their daily tea consumption to the researchers. Those who drink green tea or have consumed it for over 30 years have a 20 to 30 percent lower risk in hip bone fracture. Previous researches have also suggested a certain association between habitual tea drinking and higher bone density among menopausal women.

Researchers pointed at the need for more substantial sample analysis for accurate results linking the association between tea drinking and bone density since tea drinking may affect other factors such as improving people's concentration and vigilance.

Benefits of Tea

For most of us, our day does not start without our morning cup of tea. Tea along with coffee is the most popularly consumed beverage across the world. And if consumed in moderation, they come with a lot of health benefits too. They are packed with healthy antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help keep your immune.

Here are some benefits of tea you may not have known.

1. Helps heal cold, cough and flu

2. Good for heart health and cholesterol levels

3. Good for digestion

4. Helps relieve stress

5. Facilitates weight loss

Experts often claim that too much of tea may dehydrate you too, so it is always advised to practice moderation.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

Source - NDTV


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